Saturday, July 19, 2008

Is the Bible Poly-friendly?

The notion of polyamory as a legitimate and ethical alternative lifestyle is a pretty radical concept for most people. But the very idea that polyamory might receive the Bible's stamp of approval seems even more radical. Here's why.

The word "polyamory" means "many loves." Poly people believe it is permissible to love more than one person simultaneously. Actually, Christians believe the same thing. The difference is that Christians do not believe that it is permissible to love more than one person simultaneously in a sexual manner; sorta. For example, though most Christians believe polygamy is wrong, many do not. A survey was created on 8/20/2006 by, a reformed website. The question posed was:"Polygamy - What do you think the Bible teaches about it?" As of July 27, 2007, out of 973 total votes, here were the results:

  • Polygamy has always been sinful. 37% 364 votes
  • Polygamy was permitted in the Old Testament but is now sinful under the new covenant. 20% 193 votes
  • Polygamy is not sinful, but is unwise as it is not God's ideal of one man and one woman for life. 10% 100 votes
  • Polygamy has always been allowed by God, just like celibacy and monogamy. 21% 202 votes
  • Polygamy is the Bible's preferred form of marriage. 7% 64 votes
  • No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic. 5% 50 votes

So although 37% felt polygamy has always been sinful, many of the rest believed either that it was okay in the Old Testament but it is not okay now or that it was never frowned upon by God. Some even said they thought it was the Bible's preferred form of marriage.

Though polyamory is not identical with polygamy, there are many similarities. Both believe it is okay for people to love and have sex with multiple partners. The difference is, polygamy allows men to have multiple female sex partners, but it does not allow women to have multiple male sex partners. Polyamory allows for any combination of men and women. So if we can make a strong case for polygamy, it seems like a teeny, tiny baby step to make a strong case for polyamory.

That's my opinion; what's yours? The comment button is below. All opinions, pro or con, are welcome.

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